Russel D. Rice is a Certified General real estate appraiser based in West Virginia, with licenses to practice in that state as well as Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Mr. Rice has received both the GAA and RAA designations from the National Association of Realtors and is pursuing designations from both the Appraisal Institute and ASFMRA. He is an AQB-certified USPAP instructor and volunteers his time in service to The Appraisal Foundation Advisory Council. His firm is multi-faceted, serving both residential and non-residential sectors of real estate across a broad range of assignment types. Russ lives in Parkersburg, West Virginia with his wife of 15 years and their four children. A lifetime ago Russ could be found performing on stage at the community theatre where he met his wife or sharing his Eagle Scout experiences with his old scout troop, but these days he generally prefers to spend his free time relaxing in the warm glow of a backyard campfire.