Name: Paul E. Moore, ARA, RPRA
Current Position: Owner and Manager of Moore Appraisal Review and Consulting Services, LLC
City, State: Lexington, KY
Designation(s): ARA, RPRA
Area/Territory Served (if applicable): Much of the United States
Responsibilities: As primarily a Technical Appraisal Reviewer and especially with my government technical review assignments I have clients from all over the United States.
Educational Background: Graduate of Russell County High School, Russell Springs, KY, 1971; Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture with a minor in Business Administration, at Western Kentucky University, 1975. Have completed 700+/- hours of appraisal education, almost all of which was provided by ASFMRA.
Society Involvement: Joined ASFMRA April 29, 1988. I acquired the designations of ARA in 1991 and RPRA in 1994. Served on several Kentucky and National ASFMRA Committees and served 3 terms as Chapter President (1996, 2009 & 2010). In addition to my long standing membership with the Kentucky I've recently became a member of the Carolinas Virginias and Minnesota ASFMRA Chapters. Currently I'm serving on Council as the Immediate Past President of the National ASFMRA. Previously I served as ASFMRA District II VP from 2011 through 2014.
Professional Experience/Accomplishments: Designated appraiser by USDA, Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), State Director in 1976. Employed for almost 34 years with FmHA, later to be known as Farm Service Agency (FSA). Served on FmHA & FSA National Task Force as Member & Instructor for FSA Appraisers on development and Use of Agency Appraisal Software. Retired from USDA, FSA, on March 1, 2008, at which time I was Senior Staff Appraiser for Kentucky. Obtained Certified General Real Estate Appraiser certification in 1992. Formed Paul Moore Appraisal Services, LLC, May 2005 and then Moore Appraisal Review and Consulting Services, LLC in November 2019. I've served as member and also Vice Chair of the Kentucky Real Estate Appraisers Board, 2007-2009. As stated above, I serve on ASFMRA Council first as District II VP in 2011 through 2014 and then as a National Officer from 2017 until September 30, 2021.
General Information: Raised on small tobacco, dairy, hog and feed grain farms in Casey and Russell Counties, Kentucky. Paul, his wife Beth reside in Lexington, Kentucky. They are active members of Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington where Paul serves on the Trustee Committee. Beth is a retiree from USDA, Rural Development as a Multi-Family Housing Loan Specialist and was with the Agency for over 28 years. We have two daughters, 5 grandsons and 1 grand daughter. Both our daughters Stacie and Kristin are trained nurses.