Advanced Appraisal Exam Prep Course (A500)

Starts:  Nov 11, 2023 08:00 AM (CT)
Ends:  Nov 13, 2023 05:00 PM (CT)

This is an advanced course that is intended primarily to assist students in preparing for Comprehensive Exams and to assist them in entering the proper mindset for working complex appraisal problems. It is intended to be a refresher course for those that have successfully completed the required education for Accreditation. Very little time will be spent on discussing basic principles. Rather, this course will focus on working complex rural based appraisal problems and case studies and allow the students to work closely with the instructors on specific concepts and principles to solidify their understanding. The course will cover complex appraisal theory and case studies with respect to the three approaches to value, highest and best use, eminent domain, and other pertinent material.

Please Note: This is an advanced skill level course. It is assumed the student has already gained the level of knowledge and understanding that is taught in the lower level courses.

Required Equipment: HP-12c, HP-17bII or HP-19bII calculator (Click here for basic information how to use an HP-12c)

Suggested Textbook: Valuing Rural America: Foundations of Data Analysis

Contact Hours: 20 Hours

Course Timetable: Days 1-2 8 AM - 5 PM; Day 3 8 AM - Noon

Accreditation:  This course is recommended for the ARA and the RPRA

Click here for registration.