Northeast Chapter 2024 Annual Meeting

Starts:  Apr 15, 2024 08:00 AM (ET)
Ends:  Apr 17, 2024 05:00 PM (ET)

Market Area and Industry Analysis - 4/15/2024 8 AM - 5 PM

This course is designed to refamiliarize appraisers and other valuation experts on the need for concise, relevant, and timely market area descriptions in valuation and appraisal reports. The presentation will also focus on the applicability of a well-researched industry analysis when working with special use facilities and other segments of real estate where economic impact within the industry has a direct impact on the real estate associated with it. The course is designed to be interactive and students will work together to complete a written assignment upon conclusion of the instructional segments. Students are required to bring a laptop.

Contact Hours: 8
Instructor: Greg Snyder, ARA
Fee: $250 Member/$350 Non-Member

Penn State Tour and Annual Meeting - 4/16/2024 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Fee: $125 Member/$175 Non-Member

Understanding Conservation Easements Valuations - 4/17/2024 8 AM - 5 PM

This 1-day course will provide the accountant, attorney and land owner with the history of the conservation easement and facts surrounding their increasing use. The source of funds and development of the land trust movement will be explained. The IRS and the involvement of the attorney, accountant, appraiser and landowner will be explained. The appraisal document, its development and its intricacies will be explained and discussed. A look at the changing world of easements will complete this interesting and helpful course. This seminar was developed jointly with ASA.

Contact hours: 8 hours
Instructor: Greg Snyder, ARA
Fee: $250 Member/$350 Non-Member

*If attending all 3 days - $550 Members/$750 Non-Members

Hyatt Place State College
Room Rate: $139
Cutoff Date: 3/29/2024
Booking Code: G-ASFM
1-888-492-8847 |

Sarah Sweeney | 585-356-0936 |

Katelyn Johnson | 303-692-1224 |


Hyatt Place State College
219 W Beaver Ave
State College, PA 16801