Course A-250 is an introduction to eminent domain appraisal. The course is designed to familiarize experienced appraisers with the language, parameters, and methodologies applicable to eminent domain appraising. The concept of the Larger Parcel, peculiar to partial takings, will be presented. The states various eminent domain rules of appraisal will be discussed with emphasis on understanding State Rule No. 2 and State Rule No. 4 (the Federal Rule). The appropriate accounting for what is the “take”, what damages are and what are benefits and the appropriate offsets, if any, are presented. The course explores the legal implications of eminent domain appraising and will familiarize the student to the legal process.
Course problems are designed to instill an understanding of the appraisal decisions and methodologies necessary to complete an eminent domain partial taking assignment. The case study is the acquisition of land for widening of an existing two-lane highway to a four-lane highway. The case study is a State Department of Transportation project submitted for bid. The case study incorporates real life problems and situations that face the eminent domain appraiser. The case study offers the work groups, or individuals, a chance to apply what they have learned in the class to a real life situation. The students are initially asked to approach the case study as if they were preparing a bid analysis determining the larger parcels, highest and best uses, potential damages and benefits. If there is sufficient class time the students may be asked to apply their bid analysis to a valuation analysis.
Please Note: This is an intermediate skill level course. It is assumed the student has already gained the level of knowledge and understanding that is taught in the lower level courses.
Required Equipment & Textbooks: HP-12c, HP-17bII or HP-19bII (Click here for basic information how to use an HP-12c)
Suggested Textbook: Valuing Rural America: Foundations of Data Analysis, Real Estate Valuation in Litigation, Second Edition
Contact Hours: 20 hours + 2 hour exam
Course Timetable: Days 1-3: 8 AM - 5 PM
Accreditation: This course is required for the ARA and RPRA
For questions about approvals, contact Deanna Ilk at or 303-692-1222