The Realtor’s Licensing course scheduled for Wednesday, March 18 and the 2020 Illinois Land Values Conference set for Thursday, March 19 WILL HAPPEN as scheduled.
The IL Chapter has been assured that the DoubleTree Hotel is taking every cleanliness precaution they can to guard against the spread of any virus or other disease elements. We ask all who attend the programs to use common sense and take appropriate personal hygiene and safety precautions to protect themselves from any possible infections.
The speakers for the programs on both days have also confirmed their plans to proceed as originally scheduled.
Unless the Chapter is ordered by governmental authorities to cancel the program, it is on as scheduled.
Thursday, March 19 |
7:30 am |
Registration Opens |
8:30 am - 12:00 pm |
Program and Presentations |
Presentations Kevin Van Trump - Author of the Van Trump Report
Dr. Bruce Sherrick - "Wait, What Just Happened? Land Values and the New Order of Ag"
Dr. Gary Schnitkey - Land Values
David Klein, AFM, ALC - Land Values
$70 - ASFMRA / ISPFMRA / RLI Members
$85 - Non-members
Students Free
Advance registration recommended but not required
Hotel DetailsContact the hotel at 309-664-6446 for reservations no later than February 25, 2020 to get the discounted rate of $120/night + tax. Use booking or group name "Farm Managers"
For More InformationMeeting: Carroll Merry
| 262-253-6902 |
Registration: Deanna Ilk | 303-692-1222 |