Spring 2025 Kentucky Chapter Membership Meeting, Dinner, & Outing

Starts:  Mar 18, 2025 01:30 PM (ET)
Ends:  Mar 20, 2025 05:00 PM (ET)

March 18th

1:30pm-4:30pm Marker’s Mark Distillery Tour (tour will start at 2:00)

3350 Burk Spring Rd., Loretto, KY, 40037

5:00pm-9:00pm Dinner and Membership Meeting

Talbott Tavern – Concord Room

107 W. Stephen Foster Ave, Bardstown, KY

Includes the choice of one entrée

Kentucky Hot Brown

Catfish Platter

Fried Chicken Breast

Fee: Marker’s Mark Distillery Tour, Dinner and Membership Meeting - $75 / Dinner and Membership Meeting ONLY - $50

March 19th

8:00am-12:00pm Barn-Dominium/Shouse/Shome - What It Is and What It's Not Seminar

It is intended that the student attending this 4-hour course will become better equipped to handle and more familiar with the challenges of Appraising Rural Residential Properties in today’s environment. The student will learn what rural lenders and/or underwriters expect of the appraiser and how to better meet those expectations via presentation by the industry experts of a rapidly expanding non-conventional construction methods concluding with rural residential property examples. Best Business Practices overview highlights the emphasis is on the appraiser to do the right analysis.

Contact Hours: 4

Instructors: Brian Gatzke, ARA and Martin Humes, ARA

Fee: $195 Member/$225 Non-Member

March 20th

8:00am-5:00pm Understanding Conservation Easement Valuation Seminar

This 1-day course will provide the accountant, attorney and land owner with the history of the conservation easement and facts surrounding their increasing use. The source of funds and development of the land trust movement will be explained. The IRS and the involvement of the attorney, accountant, appraiser and landowner will be explained. The appraisal document, its development and its intricacies will be explained and discussed. A look at the changing world of easements will complete this interesting and helpful course. This seminar was developed jointly with ASA.

Contact Hours: 8

Instructors: Brian Gatzke, ARA and Martin Humes, ARA

Fee: $195 Member/$225 Non-Member


FairField Inn and Suites – Bardstown

1070 Morton Avenue, Bardstown, KY 40004

Room Rate: $109 + tax

Cutoff: February 18, 2025


Shannon Colwell | 859.338.9911 | shannon.colwell@fcma.com


Katelyn Johnson | 303-692-1224 | kjohnson@asfmra.org


FairField Inn and Suites - Bardstown
1070 Morton Avenue
Bardstown, KY 40004