June 17 - 2 hours of CE credit3 PM-5 PM - Quarry Hill Winery and Orchard Tour5 PM-8:30 PM - Dinner and SocialFee: $50June 18 - 5 hours of CE credit8 AM-9 AM - Mike Gastier - History of the Celeryville Muck Crops Station and NCARS9 AM-10 AM - Eric-Richer - Ohio's Role in Organic Grain Production10 AM-11 AM - Katie Tack - Agricultural Conservation Easement Program11 AM-12 PM - Darby Walton - Recent Agricultural Sales and Market Conditions12 PM-1 PM - Lunch1 PM-1:15 PM - Rebecca Stone ARA (comments)1:15 PM-1:30 PM - Special Meeting (Bylaws)1:30 PM-2:30 PM - Jordan Hoewischer - Ohio Water Quality UpdateFee: $50HotelCountry InnMilan, OhioRate: $131/NightBooking code: ASFMRA(567) 557-2008https://www.choicehotels.com/ohio/milan/country-inn-suites-hotels/oh884?mc=smamimuscpn&=undefined&pmf=admedia&kw=chocie+privileges&utm_medium=sem&utm_source=admedia&utm_account=admedia&utm_campaign=search_22_119336_choice_hotels&clickID=TVpaaHZyM3pKYlJBOXJZV29FdlhCNTBqWG8zQXRyL2phY0JVS1FZQlJuaz0QuestionsMike Estadt | 740-474-7534 | estadt.3@osu.eduRegistrationKatelyn Johnson | 303-692-1224 | kjohnson@asfmra.org
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Inc.
720 South Colorado Boulevard, Suite 360-S
Glendale, CO 80246-2664
(303) 758-3513
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