The student will apply appraisal methodology's and analytical techniques to rural, urban fringe and a special use facility case studies and drill problems. New methodology's and analytical techniques including trend, bracketing and statistics are introduced and incorporated into the course.
A400 is designed for students who have completed their basic appraisal curriculum courses and are preparing for the comprehensive examination and their appraisal career. It is an excellent course for practicing appraisers wishing exposure to practical applications for current and new appraisal methodology's. It is not recommended to students who have not completed the fundamental appraisal courses.
Please Note: This is an advanced skill level course. It is assumed the student has already gained the level of knowledge and understanding that is taught in the lower level courses.
Required Equipment & Textbooks: Appraisal of Rural Property, Second Edition; HP- 12c, HP-17bII or HP-19bII calculator (Click here for basic information how to use an HP-12c)
Optional Equipment: Self-powered laptop computer. (There is NO computer tutoring in this course.) Computers are not allowed during the examination.
Suggested Textbook: The Appraisal of Real Estate, Fifteenth Edition; Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, Third Edition; Capitalization Theory and Techniques Study Guide. AIREA Financial Tables and The Appraiser's Workbook are available only through the Appraisal Institute at (312) 335-4100.
Equivalency Ratings: Learn about land ratios and equivalency ratings used in many ASFMRA appraisal classes through this instructional video. Please note that this process may not be used in all classes.
Contact Hours: 36 hours + 4 hour exam
Course Timetable: Days: 1-5 8 AM - 5 PM
Accreditation: This course is required for the ARA
For questions about approvals, contact Deanna Ilk at or 303-692-1222