ARA/RPRA Accreditation & Roadmap Webinar

When:  Dec 2, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (MT)

Description: ASFMRA accreditation helps rural appraisers and review appraisers stand out from the crowd and improve their marketability to both clients and employers. Join us as Jeff Berg, ARA and Paul Moore, ARA, RPRA explain the accreditation process and answer any questions you might have about the Accredited Rural Appraiser (ARA) and Real Property Review Appraiser (RPRA) designations. If you are an aspiring appraiser, this is your opportunity to learn about accreditation requirements and how a professional designation can broaden your career options.

Speakers: Jeff Berg, ARA & Paul Morre, ARA, RPRA
