$4 Corn Means Different DecisionsWe have seen the big two of corn/soybean costs (land and equipment) get set up for $6+ corn, and now we are seeing $4+ corn. Cash rents went up and they seldom come down very far. I know that some operators have ground that doesn’t pencil at these prices, but they feel trapped by equipment and the idea that corn prices might bounce back sooner rather than later. The best operators make some difficult decisions sooner rather than later. I’ll be advocating that they look for 10% of their cash rent acreage that is furthest out of line to exit in 2025.Michael Swanson, Ph.D., Chief Economist, Wells Fargo 2024 Land Values Conference Keynote SpeakerAsk the ExpertsAn open forum on what’s going on with land sales and the prices being paid. YOU can ask the questions to Liz Strom, AFM, Murray Wise and Associates; Jason Lestina, AFM, ALC, Land Pro LLC; Deanne Phelps, Compeer FinancialA Summary of “The Report” Luke Worrell, AFM, Worrell Land Services; Gary Schnitkey, Ph.D., University of IllinoisAll attendees will receive a complimentary copy of 2023 Illinois Land Values and Lease Trends ReportFees: $70 Member/RLI Member - $85 Non-MemberHotelDoubletree by Hilton - 10 Brickyard Drive, Bloomington, ILRate: $135 per night.Booking Code: Land Values ConferenceCut Off: February 27, 2024309-664-6446 or https://www.hilton.com/en/attend-my-event/bmidtdt-93j-1d7936f2-d106-444c-93d1-880c47915936/
Event: Carroll Merry | 262-253-6902 | ispfmra@countryside-marketing.comRegistration: Katelyn Johnson | 303-692-1224 | kjohnson@asfmra.org
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