Nebraska Chapter Winter Meeting and Education

Starts:  Feb 11, 2025 08:00 AM (CT)
Ends:  Feb 13, 2025 05:00 PM (CT)

February 11th 

Data Analytics for Appraisers

The seminar will focus on the basics of data analysis. Material will focus on What is data analysis, acquiring data, basic cleaning of data, using charts and tools for visualization of data, and basic tools to turn data sets into information. Material will included step by step basics for the functions and methods presented. Examples will be focused around rural real estate and farm management case studies. Participants will complete the seminar with a basic understanding of data analysis, sources of quality public data and several techniques they can employ in practice. This is not a basic excel class and a understanding of basic excel is required.

Instructor: Brian Gatzke, ARA

CE: 8 Hours

Fee: $275 Member/$325 Non-Member

YPN Social - 7:00 at Thunderhead 

February 12th 

Appraising Agriculture Land in Transition

This course is a Highest and Best Use driven discussion exploring the multitude of influences on rural properties and how those influences could affect the use of a property, target market, and marketability of a property. Traditionally agricultural or rural properties have been considered in transition when they are moving away from traditional open space or rural uses entirely to a higher density urban use such as residential or commercial. However, these are not the only instances when a property could or should be considered in transition. The intent of this course is to explore the variety of ways or instances when a property could be transitioning. It’s meant to be an open discussion building on the experiences of the participants and presenting new ways to view changes or transitions. It also presents some methodologies to better determine or establish the true Highest and Best Use of real property.

Instructor: Brian Gatzke, ARA

CE: 8 Hours

Fee: $275 Member/$325 Non-Member

Trust Accounts #0319 8:30

Speaker: Scott Henrichsen

CE: 3 Hours

Fee: $80 Member/$100 Non-Member

Agency in Nebraska #0366 R 1:00

Speaker: Scott Henrichsen

CE: 3 Hours

Fee: $80 Member/$100 Non-Member

Chapter Social - 5:30

Banquet - 6:00

Chapter Auction - 8:00

February 13th

Chapter Board Meeting 7:30

Speakers - 8:30


Holiday Inn
110 Second Ave