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2023 ASFMRA Awards Presented in Nashville

By ASFMRA Press posted 11-21-2023 05:51 PM


Contact: Andrew Eames
Tel. 303.692.1210

Rural Property Professionals Receive Recognition
Awards Given at 2023 ASFMRA Annual Conference in Nashville

November 15, 2023

Glendale, Colo. – The American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers® (ASFMRA®) honored dozens of rural appraisers, farm managers and consultants today during the 2023 ASFMRA Annual Conference on November 15, 2023, in Nashville, Tennessee.

At the Accreditation and Awards Ceremony, sponsored by Hertz Farm Management, it was announced that 13 ASFMRA members received their Accredited Farm Management (AFM) designation, while one member became an Accredited Agricultural Consultant (AAC). 13 members received their Accredited Rural Appraiser (ARA) designation, and five members received their Real Property Review Appraiser (RPRA) designation.

Accreditation represents the highest recognition given by the Society, and is achieved only after years of professional service, many rigorous hours of education and comprehensive testing conducted by the Society. A full list of these recipients may be found below.

Additionally, the following rural property professionals were honored by their peers:
Professional Farm Manager of the Year Award
Sponsored by Syngenta
The Professional Farm Manager of the Year Award recognizes an AFM accredited member or team who has made a significant impact on the farm management profession. This year the award was presented to Ryan Kay, AFM, of Hertz Farm Management in Mount Vernon, Iowa. As the award sponsor, Syngenta donated $500 each to Matthew 25 and the College Community Schools FFA program.

Henry A. Long, Jr., Appraiser of the Year
Sponsored by Rabo AgriFinance, LLC
Each year, the ASFMRA recognizes an ARA or RPRA accredited member for their impact on the profession through appraisal education, service on professional appraisal boards, community involvement and affirmation of their professionalism and excellence within the appraisal profession. This year’s recipient was Richard Isaacson, AFM, ARA, owner of Growthland in Marion, Iowa. Rabo AgriFinance, as sponsor of the award, made a $500 contribution to the Iowa State University Ag Business Club on behalf of the winner.

D. Howard Doane Award
The D. Howard Doane Award is held in great esteem in the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, and is given to an individual (member or non-member) who has made an outstanding contribution in the field of agriculture with emphasis on farm management and rural appraisal. This year’s recipient was Dennis Reyman, AFM, partner at Stalcup Ag Service in Storm Lake, Iowa.

Early Career Award
Sponsored by Bayer Crop Science
The ASFMRA Early Career Award recognizes an outstanding early career member, someone who is making outstanding contributions to their local chapter, the ASFMRA and to their local communities during their first 10 years of ASFMRA membership. This year’s recipient was Justin Bahr, AFM, of Summit Agricultural Group in Alden, Iowa.

H.E. "Buck" Stalcup Excellence in Education Awards
The H. E. "Buck" Stalcup Excellence in Education Award is awarded to individuals who have contributed his or her knowledge and countless hours toward the advancement of the ASFMRA’s education and event programs. The 2023 H.E. "Buck" Stalcup Excellence in Education Award for appraisal education went to Raymond Wagester, ARA, of CoBank in Greenwood Village, Colo. The 2023 H.E. "Buck" Stalcup Excellence in Education Award for management education went to Corey Prins, AFM, owner of Northwestern Farm Management Co. in Marshall, Minn., and Matt Gunderson, AFM, of Farmers National Company in Omaha, Neb.

Carl F. Hertz Distinguished Service in Agriculture Award
This award, named after a distinguished past ASFMRA member, is presented each year to an individual in appreciation for their service to agriculture other than directly in the farm management and rural appraisal professions. The recipient of the 2023 Carl F. Hertz Distinguished Service in Agriculture Award was Tommy Funk, of Bridgeforth, LLP, in San Antonio, Texas.

Gold Quill Award
The Gold Quill honor is awarded to the author or authors of the most outstanding article published in the Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. The ASFMRA Editorial Taskforce presented the 2023 Gold Quill Award to Dr. Michael Langemeier of Purdue University, Dr. Gary Schnitkey of the University of Illinois and Dr. Carl Zulauf of Ohio State University or their article entitled, "U.S. Crop Profitability and Farm Safety Net Payments Since 1975.”

ASFMRA Volunteer of the Year Award
The ASFMRA Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes an individual or individuals who have contributed countless hours of time to the ASFMRA in support of its mission to advance the standards of the disciplines it represents through an unparalleled level of expertise and integrity. The 2023 recipient of the ASFMRA Volunteer of the Year Award was Lori Reyman of Storm Lake, Iowa.

Silver and Gold Plow Awards
The Silver Plow recognizes an ASFMRA chapter secretary/treasurer with 10 or more years of service, while the Gold Plow award is reserved for those who have served for at least 20 years.  This year’s Silver Plow was presented to Craig Warren, ARA, of Smithfield, Utah, for his service to the Idaho-Utah Chapter Chapter. The Gold Plow was awarded to Juliana Young, ARA, of Vero Beach, Fla., and Suzie Roget of Woodbridge, Cali, for their dedication to the Florida and California Chapters, respectively.

Outstanding Service Award
This award honors a lifetime of dedication, mentorship and immense contribution to the rural property professions, highlighting the heart and service that an individual puts toward their craft. The Outstanding Service Award was presented to Keith Crow, ARA, owner of Crow Appraisal and Associates in Wichita, Kansas.

Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a stalwart contributor to the rural property professions, an individual who has made a lasting difference and shaped the fabric of the industry. The recipient for this award was John Widdoss, ARA, a founder of Hall-Widdoss & Co. And President of AgWare, Inc.

Meritorious Service in Communication Award
The Meritorious Service in Communication Award acknowledges an individual, company, or association involved in promoting understanding and goodwill between producers and consumers of agricultural products. The 2023 recipient of the Meritorious Service in Communications award was Marji Guyler-Alaniz, founder of FarmHer.

Accredited Farm Managers

Morgan Almer, AFM
Pifer’s Land Management

Julie C. Barraza Boggs, AFM
Peoples Company

Michael D. Bernhard, AFM
First Mid Ag Service

Allison C. Bishop, AFM
Hertz Farm Management

Amanda Clausen, AFM
Farmers National Company

Colter DeVries, AFM
Ranch Investor

Logan Frye, AFM
Field Level Agriculture, Inc.

Austin Hornstein, AFM
Worrell Land Services

Marlon Ricketts, AFM
Farmers National Company

Eric Shearer, AFM
Babson Farms

Dan Sprengeler, AFM
Northwestern Farm Management

Austin VanHooser, AFM
Farmers National Company

Brandon Michael Yaklich, AFM
Hertz Farm Management

Accredited Rural Appraisers

Jim G. Tubbs, AAC

Glaub Farm Management

Accredited Rural Appraisers

Colette M. Adolph, ARA
Department of the Interior, AVSO

Dusty Arkoosh, ARA
Rabo Diversified Services

Rachel Daberkow, ARA
Compeer Financial

Larissa C. Gordon
Ag New Mexico Farm Credit

James W. Griffin, ARA

Stuart Anthony Jackson, ARA
Oklahoma AgCredit

Jeffrey Jaronek, ARA
Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma

Alicia Jupka, ARA
U.S. Forest Service

Andrew Rollins, ARA
Capital Farm Credit

Calley Satriana, ARA
Ag New Mexico Farm Credit

Adam C. Spears, ARA
Oklahoma AgCredit

Nathan Torrance, ARA
Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma

Brad A. Wisener, ARA
Appraisal Next

Real Property Review Appraisers

Adam Bradshaw, RPRA
Department of the Interior, AVSO

Randal Bradshaw, RPRA
Department of the Interior, AVSO

John Keeney, ARA, RPRA
Rabo Diversified Services

Mitchell Knudson, ARA, RPRA
Rabo Diversified Services

Michael Paxton, RPRA
Department of the Interior, AVSO

The American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers® (ASFMRA®) is the largest professional society for rural property land experts, boasting over 2200 members in 30 chapters throughout the United States. The ASFMRA represents The Most Trusted Rural Property Professionals and is the premier organization for individuals who provide management, consultation, and valuation services, as well as real estate services on rural and agricultural assets.


