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Start 2018 On A Positive Note

By ASFMRA Press posted 12-27-2017 10:00 PM


Start 2018 out on a positive note:  Isolate negative thoughts to improve your chance for success!

Self-talk is the conversation we have internally with ourselves as we process thoughts and feelings throughout the day.   Keeping that conversation positive can help you become a more successful person.  Letting negative thoughts get the best of you can send you into a self-defeating spiral.  You want to have a positive image of yourself.

Testing done by TalentSmart has revealed that individuals with high emotional intelligence (EQ) have developed their ability to recognize and control negative self-talk.  Those with this skill earn on average $28,000 more than their peers with a lower EQ.

Here are some common thoughts that these people suppress:
  • Perfection is Success: If you try to make everything perfect you will never finish any tasks.
  • Destiny Will Determine My Success: You control your destiny, not the other way around.
  • "Always" or "Never": Thinking you always or never do something is setting yourself up for failure; framing your behavior that way is a form of self-pity.
  • You Only Succeed When Others Approve: You will never be able to turn off your reactions to what people think of you but, your self-worth should not be determined by their thoughts.
  • Past = Future: Things that have happened in the past affect your self confidence, don't let past failures determine your future.
  • Your emotions Equal Your Reality: Your feelings are not always objective, learn how to separate fact from fiction. 
You can learn more about controlling your self-talk here
