
Ms. Alexandra Hart, MAI

Senior Appraiser,

Contact Details

1978 Carmel Ranch Cir
Oakdale, CA
Google Map Icon
Mobile: (530) 598-6762

Area of Expertise

  • Agriculture, Conventional & Regenerative Water Resources Conservation


Ms. Hart is a professional real estate appraiser engaging in real estate and water resource advisory, consulting and appraisal. Her practice has centered around valuation of significant agricultural land holdings within California, including large-scale dairies, pistachios, almonds and high-alpine grazing land. Her expertise includes dairy and ranchlands capacity and water resources analysis, with specialized expertise in management of properties within adjudicated water systems and within context of the endangered species act. Her work has fostered opportunities in the regenerative agriculture sector, helping landowners navigate todays generational transitions and land use challenges. Joining LandVest's Real Estate Consulting Group in October 2022, Ms. Hart provides appraisal and consulting services on a wide range of property types including agricultural properties of all types, natural resource properties such as timberland and water rights, developable land, and significant residential properties. Undergraduate Education: B.S. Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky 2014. Licenses & Memberships: Certified General Real Property Appraiser, California, Washington Appraisal Institute, MAI Designated Member American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers Professional Education: Appraisal Institute MAI Course Requirements Valuation of Conservation Easements Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions ("Yellow Book")

Primary Occupation

  • Appraiser


  • Appraiser