National News


The American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers' Ag News is a bi-weekly email sent to members and subscribers interested in the latest stories geared toward The Most Trusted Rural Property Professionals.

The newsletters contain industry-related articles, Society updates, member spotlights, and news on upcoming classes and events.

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Ag News

  • Posted in: Ag News

    Iowa Utilities Board Approves Permit for Controversial Summit Pipeline The Iowa Utilities Board gave its approval ...

  • Posted in: Ag News

    ‘Precision Ag’ Promised a Farming Revolution. It’s Coming, Just Slowly. For 20 years, Pablo Sobron sought a better way ...

  • Posted in: Ag News

    China Isn’t Hogging up as Much U.S. Farmland as It May Seem Despite concerns that China is buying or leasing all ...

  • Posted in: Ag News

    Where Are the Best Places to Farm in the U.S.? What makes a great place to farm? Good land — and lots of it — may be ...

  • Posted in: Ag News

    Monastery Ranch Lists for $150 Million One of the largest tracts of largely undeveloped land in Pitkin County, Colo., ...

  • Posted in: Ag News

    By How Much Can Appraised Farm Values Differ Across Appraisers? By Alejandro Plastina, Wendong Zhang, and Wendiam Sawadago ...

  • Posted in: Ag News

    Farm & Ranch Tax Provisions Set to Expire Provisions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are set to expire in 2025 and ...

  • Posted in: Ag News

    Big Short Investor is on a Rural Real Estate Buying Spree When investors like Kyle Bass talk, investors listen. Bass, ...