The course includes an overview of the income approach, computing financial rates, and an in-depth examination of discounted cash flow analysis (DCF). The course covers principles of discounted cash flow analysis, application and common errors in discounted cash flow analysis, and culminates with discounted cash flow case studies. Students will also delve into the relationships between rates, learn about the concepts of discounting and net present value, and engage with drill problems to enhance practical understanding. Procedures and application of yield capitalization, cash equivalency and mortgage analysis, and valuation of lease interests are also topics that are explored. This course is designed to provide students with a deep and practical understanding of income-based valuation methods for property appraisal.
Please Note: This course is designed to follow Basic Appraisal Principles and Basic Appraisal Procedures. It is assumed the student has already gained the level of knowledge and understanding that is taught in the lower level classes.
Required Equipment & Textbooks: Appraisal of Rural Property, 2nd Edition; HP-12c, Hp-17bII or HP-19bII calculator (Click here for basic information how to use an HP-12c)
Suggested Textbook: Valuing Rural America: Foundations of Data Analysis, ASFMRA Appraisal of Real Estate, Fifteenth Edition; Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, Sixth Edition
Contact Hours: 27 hours + 3 hour exam
Course Timetable: Days 1-3: 8 AM - 5 PM; Day 4: 8 AM - 4 PM
AQB Licensure Requirement: Certified General
For questions about approvals, contact Deanna Ilk at or 303-692-1222