2025 Montana Chapter Meeting | Winter Real Estate Roundup

Starts:  Feb 11, 2025 01:00 PM (MT)
Ends:  Feb 13, 2025 05:00 PM (MT)

Tuesday, February 11th 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

For Land’s Sake

Annual For Land's Sake presentation on Montana land market values, statistics, & trends. This four-hour seminar will provide a detailed summary of the Montana rural real estate market and report findings in combination with historic research maintained by Norman C. Wheeler & Associates since the 1980's. Additionally, Joel Silverman, will give a presentation on tax-related issues.

4 hours Appraiser CE (MT, WY, ID)

4 hours Real Estate CE approval Pending

Please join us for a social hour following the presentation.

Wednesday, February 12th 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Breakfast 7:00 AM – Included with registration

CANCELLED - AM Session – Minerals Valuation 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Briana Lamphier is a Minerals Appraiser and Geologist and will give a presentation on minerals valuation.

4 hours Appraiser CE (MT & WY) ID approval pending

4 hours Real Estate CE approval pending

Lunch 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – Included with registration

PM Session – Realtor/Appraiser Panel 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

We will have a panel of local realtors and appraisers discussing relevant real estate market topics.

4 hours Appraiser CE (MT & WY) ID approval pending

4 hours Real Estate CE approval pending

Chapter meeting following the afternoon session with dinner at 6:30 PM. Dinner is included for all ASFMRA MT Chapter members and is $40 for guests.

Thursday, February 13th, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM


Breakfast 7:00 AM – Included with registration

Introduction to Native American Real Estate Appraisal

Presented by Tom Young, this presentation will focus on developing a basic understanding of terminology, history, and processes unique to Indian trust lands appraisals.

4 hours Appraiser CE

4 hours Real Estate CE approval pending

Material will be provided digitally!


Northern Hotel

19 North Broadway, Billings MT, 59101

Room Rate $159-$179 Plus tax

Booking Code: BKG878

Cutoff: January 13, 2025



Tessa Noe | 406-672-8029 | noe.tessar@gmail.com


Katelyn Johnson | 303-692-1224 | kjohnson@asfmra.org


Northern Hotel
19 North Broadway
Billings, MT 59101