The ASFMRA Northeast Chapter is excited to announce that our annual meeting and continuing education offering will take place in Plymouth, Massachusetts from April 28th to April 30th. We will be offering two full days of in-class education as well as an opportunity for a local tour.
John Carver Inn & Spa
25 Summer Street
Plymouth, MA
Meeting Organizers:
Brian Rideout,, 508-635-5357
Sarah Sweeney,, 585-356-0936
Day 0- Walking tour of Downtown Plymouth and Dinner
Date: April 27, 2025 (5:30-8:30pm)
Contact: Brian Rideout
Location: John Carver Inn Lobby – End at East Bay Grille
Cost: Tour- $15/person (Cash day-of), Dinner- Self Pay
Day 1 – Principles of Permanent Planting- Updated 2024 (8 Hours of CE)
Date: April 28, 2025 (8am-5pm)
Instructor: Ben Slaughter of Arable Advisory Group
Location: John Carver Inn Meeting Room
Meals: Lunch is included and will be available at the hotel. *Breakfast and Dinner are not included*
Beginning with an introduction to the basic concepts and types of permanent plantings, the course covers a wide array of topics including trellis systems, plant density, row orientation, and the impact of elevation and topography on planting feasibility. Additionally, the course explores environmental protection measures, lifecycle stages, and the influence of location, soil, climate, and irrigation on plantings. The seminar also addresses yields, commodity prices, management practices, data sources, the principles of highest and best use, non-real property considerations, and valuation approaches including cost, income, and sales comparison. Through this course, students will gain insights into market perceptions, management practices, and valuation techniques, preparing them for practical application in the field of permanent planting valuation.
Materials will be provided digitally!
Day 1 – Chapter Social Event hosted by YPN
Date: April 28, 2024 (Start @ 5:30pm)
Location: TBD
Meals: Appetizers will be provided
The YPN social event will be open to all members regardless of age. Further details will be sent out in advance of the meeting. Appetizers will be provided.
Day 2- Tour
Date: April 29, 2025 (8am-4pm)
Location: “Cranberry Country” - Bus transportation provided from hotel
Meals: Lunch is included.
The tour will include a tour of the Ocean Spray processing plant, lunch and a visit to a local cranberry bog(s) and discussion with growers and industry professionals.
Day 3 – Appraisals Through the Eyes of the Reviewer (7 hours CE)
Date: April 30, 2025 (8am-5pm)
Instructors: Phil Swartz of Appraisal Review Specialists, LLC
Location: John Carver Inn Meeting Room
Meals: Lunch is included and will be available at the hotel. *Breakfast and Dinner are not included*
In order for an Appraiser to see the appraisals through the eyes of a Reviewer, they first need to know what a Reviewer’s role and responsibilities are. The 1-day course will explain who appraisal reviewers are and what appraisal reviewers do. It will also explain why appraisal reviews are completed and what appraisal reviewers can and can’t do. It will explain an appraisal reviewer’s qualifications, the different types of appraisal reviews, discuss the common appraisal errors and what appraisers can do to avoid issues on appraisal reviews.
The cost of the seminars for ASFMRA members is (fee includes seminars, materials, breaks, and lunches)
All Events - $550
Day 1 - $250
Day 2 Tour- $125
Day 3 - $250
The cost of the seminars for non-members is (fee includes seminars, materials, breaks, and lunches)
All Events - $650
Day 1 - $300
Day 2 Tour- $150
Day 3 - $300
Registration: Will be done through the ASFMRA website and credit cards are accepted. Deadline to register is March 28th. Cancellation will be fully refunded up to 2 weeks prior to the course.
You will be responsible for making your own hotel reservations at the John Carver Inn and Suites. A block of rooms has been reserved for April 27th – April 30th for $143/night.
You must reserve rooms by March 26th for the discounted rate.
To reserve a room, call the hotel directly at (508) 746-7100 and mention you are with the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (They will not be able to look it up under ASFMRA)