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Alleviate Your Stress [Student Success]

By ASFMRA Press posted 09-21-2017 11:02 AM


With the midpoint of the semester rapidly approaching the time to develop good schoolwork habits is now.

It's easier to enjoy your fall break when you aren't stressing about grades and the amount of work waiting for you when you return.  Here are some things to consider when trying to maximize your study time:

1) Be organized.  Put all of your important test dates, project dues dates, social engagements and extra curricular activities on one calendar.  This will make it easier to block out time for studying and course work. 

2) Find a study space that works for you.  Take the time to figure out where you learn best.  Do you like a quiet environment?  Background noise? Do you prefer studying in a group?  Study in an environment where you are relaxed and not distracted, but don't be afraid to change it up once in awhile.  According to the New York Times studying in different locations can increase information retention.

3) Do your work.  There is a reason your professor gave you an assignment.  The more time you spend working on assignments the sooner you will discover any trouble spots you might need extra help with.

4) Study with a group.  Do you have a large reading assignment or a huge test coming up?  Try working with classmates or friends to create detailed outlines of the material and test each other on it.

5) Get rid of your distractions.  Turn your phone off and block social media for an hour or two and allow your self to really focus on the material you are trying to learn.    

6) Take care of yourself.  Remember that you need to eat and sleep.  School work is important but you won't be working at your best if you are skipping meals, sleeping only a couple hours a night and not allowing yourself some time to relax each day.  

Everyone learns differently so take the time to try out different study methods to figure out what works best for you.  Not only will developing good learning habits now help your GPA, but they will help guide you in the workforce once you graduate.  You will learn about yourself:  how you like to stay organized and what type of environment you work best in.

